Safe Ways To Stay Tan Year-Round: Top 10 Reasons To Use Sunless Tanners

There are ways to maintain a tan without putting your health at danger, yet many individuals continue to expose themselves to UV rays in an effort to get a healthy glow.

According to a survey conducted by the American Academy of Dermatology, half of women under the age of 18 believe that a tan makes them seem healthier, and 61 percent believe that a tan makes them look nicer. The prevalence of tanning may help to explain research published in the Journal of the American Medical Association that found skin cancer among females under the age of 40 had quadrupled over the previous 30 years. According to experts, there are the following top 10 reasons why individuals are using these sunless tanning products:

1. No Negative Risks

With sunless tanners, you receive the same gorgeous tan without the UV hazards that come with sunbathing and tanning beds.

2. Cost Conscious

For typically around half the price of tanning in a salon, you may get your own at-home spray tanning equipment and sunless tanning kit. For instance, the brand-new tanning system from NuressTM, which achieves a streak- and color-free tan, employs the same spray technology as a professional device. Additionally, it includes a remedy that will work for at least six months.

3. Customized Tans

You may choose the hue of your tan with the innovative at-home spray tanning device. This implies that it is simple to transition from a light tan to a "just got back from the beach" look in a matter of days.

4. Tan Only Certain Areas

You may use sunless tanners to just tan the parts of your body you like, including your face and arms, making you appear younger and leaner.

5. Save Time

No need to begin preparing for a tan months in advance. The day before or the day before you require a gorgeous glow, you can apply a sunless tan.

6. Sunless Tans Are Temporary

Most sunless tanning devices only last 5 to 10 days, while others can last up to 14.

7. Safe For More People

You may most likely still use sunless tanners even if you are unable to tan naturally due to health concerns. Simply consult your doctor beforehand.

8. Sunless Tanners Are More Effective Now.

Over time, DHA, the primary component of sunless tanners, has been used more effectively.

9. No Tan Lines

Sunbathing and using tanning beds nearly guarantee tan lines. You may apply a tan to your entire body with sunless tanners without worrying about unsightly lines later.

10. Odor Free

An unpleasant smell from lotions and tanning beds may occasionally remain on your skin for days.


The New Era In Tanning


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