Why A Girl Should Get Her Ears Pierced

young lady getting her ears pierced

Earrings have been a popular accessory for centuries, and for good reason. They can add a touch of elegance, fun, or personality to any outfit.

Some people argue that earrings are simply for looks, but there are several benefits to getting your ears pierced, specifically for girls.

In this article, we’ll explore why a girl should get her ears pierced and the various benefits that come with it.

The History of Earrings

A Symbol of Womanhood and Status

Earrings have been worn by both men and women throughout history, but they have always held a special significance for women. In ancient civilizations, earrings were seen as a symbol of womanhood and were often worn as a status symbol. In some cultures, only women of a certain social class were allowed to wear earrings.

A Form of Self-Expression

As time went on, earrings became more than just a symbol of status. They became a form of self-expression and a way for women to showcase their personal style. From simple studs to elaborate chandelier earrings, there are endless options for women to choose from when it comes to earrings.


The Benefits of Getting Your Ears Pierced

3 panels showing side shots of 3 different pierced ears

A Wide Variety of Earrings to Choose From

One of the main benefits of getting your ears pierced is the wide variety of earrings that become available to you. From simple studs to statement pieces, there is an earring for every occasion and personal style. This allows girls to express themselves and add a unique touch to their outfits.

Boost in Confidence

For many girls, getting their ears pierced can be a big step towards feeling more confident. Earrings can highlight a girl's facial features and make her look more confident and attractive. They have a special ability to draw attention to the face and enhance a girl's natural beauty. Feeling more confident can totally make a positive difference in other parts of their life too.

Easy to Maintain

Earrings are relatively easy to maintain, making them a convenient accessory for girls. Once the initial healing process is over, earrings can be worn daily without much effort. They can also be easily cleaned with rubbing alcohol or specialized earring cleaning solutions.

Can Help with Migraines

While there is no scientific evidence to support this claim, many people believe that getting your ears pierced can help with migraines. Some people think that putting pressure on specific parts of the ear might help ease migraine symptoms. While this may not work for everyone, it is worth considering for those who suffer from frequent migraines.


The Process of Getting Your Ears Pierced

Custom Tanz uses the Inverness Piercing System which is a new and innovative piercing system giving you a more sterile and pain-free ear piercing experience.

Choosing the Right Piercing Location

When it comes to getting your ears pierced, it’s important to choose a reputable piercing location. This can be a piercing studio or a jewelry store that offers piercing services. Make sure to do your research and read reviews before making a decision.

The Piercing Process

The piercing process itself is relatively quick and painless. The piercer will clean the earlobe and mark the spot where the piercing will go. They will then use a sterile needle to create the hole and insert the earring. Custom Tanz uses the Inverness piercing system. This is a new and innovative piercing system that uses a pre-sealed kit that includes the gentle pressure instrument as well as the stud. It’s completely sterile as well as hypoallergenic. Best of all,…NO NEEDLE. The entire process should only take a few minutes.


After getting your ears pierced, it’s important to properly care for the piercing to avoid infection.

After getting the piercing, the piercer will share care instructions. This usually means cleaning the piercing with rubbing alcohol or a special solution twice a day. Make sure to follow these instructions for the healing process to go well.


What is the Ideal Moment to Have Your Ears Pierced?

Age Restrictions

Many piercing studios and jewelry stores have age restrictions for ear piercings. Usually, it's because of legal stuff and making sure everyone's okay with it. In most cases, girls under the age of 18 will need parental consent to get their ears pierced.

Consider the Healing Process

It’s important to consider the healing process when deciding when to get your ears pierced. While your ears are healing, which takes about 4-6 weeks, make sure not to switch out or take off the earrings. Consider getting your ears pierced when you can avoid activities that might irritate the piercing for better results.


Tips for Choosing the Right Earrings for Newly Pierced Ears

Start with Simple Studs

When it comes to choosing earrings for newly pierced ears, it’s best to start with simple studs. These are less likely to irritate the piercing and are easier to clean. Once the piercing is fully healed, you can start experimenting with different earring styles.

Consider Allergy-Friendly Earrings

Some people may have allergies to certain metals, which can cause irritation and discomfort when wearing earrings. To steer clear of that, think about picking earrings that won't cause allergies, like surgical steel, titanium, or 14k gold ones.


Common Concerns About Getting Your Ears Pierced

little blond girl getting her ears pierced


One of the most common concerns about getting your ears pierced is the pain. While everyone’s pain tolerance is different, most people describe the pain as a quick pinch or sting. The pain is typically short-lived and is over once the earring is inserted.

Custom Tanz uses the Inverness piercing system which essentially removes any pain at all.


Another thing to worry about when getting pierced-ears, is the chance of getting an infection. To lower the chances of infection with any piercing, just make sure you follow the right aftercare steps and pick a good piercing spot. If you notice signs of infection, like redness, swelling, or discharge, it's crucial to seek medical attention.


Getting your ears pierced can be a fun and exciting experience for girls. Getting your ears pierced not only expands your earring choices but also enhances confidence and allows for self-expression.

To enjoy having pierced ears, girls should pick a good place to get it done and just follow the care instructions.

If you're thinking about getting your ears pierced, just do it!

No regrets.

heidi at Custom Tanz getting ready to pierce a girls ears.

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